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import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Window
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic
import QtWebEngine 1.2
import FluentUI
import AicsKB.FileTransferManager
import SignalFileOperation 1.0
import "qrc:///AicsKnowledgeBase/qml/page"
import "qrc:///AicsKnowledgeBase/qml/component"
import "qrc:///AicsKnowledgeBase/qml/global"
FluArea {
Popup {
id: popup
modal: true //模态, 为 true后弹出窗口会叠加一个独特的背景调光效果
focus: true //焦点, 当弹出窗口实际接收到焦点时activeFocus将为真
padding: 0
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
property var raiseItem: null
background: Rectangle {
color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) //背景为无色
FluArea {
width: 350
height: 500
backgroundColor: "#f9f9f9"
NoteList {
id: noteList
onOpen: function handle(noteId) {
emit: SignalFileOperation.openNote(noteId)
onCreateNote: function handle() {
console.log("create note")
id: content_area
paddings: 0
backgroundColor: "#f9f9f9"
// visible: false
property string type: ""
property string knowledgeFileId
signal back
signal download(string knowledgeFileId)
signal clickTags(string tagName)
// paddings: {
// top: 10
// right: 0
// bottom: 10
// left: 10
// }
FluScrollablePage {
id: content_page
anchors.fill: parent
leftPadding: 10
topPadding: 10
rightPadding: 10
bottomPadding: 0
property string fileId
property int noteCount: 0
property int favoriteCount: 0
property int shareCount: 0
property int browsCount: 555
property bool isFavorite: false
property bool isDownload: false
property double fileSize: 455
property string title: "文章标题"
property list<string> tags: ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag 3"]
property var publishTime
property string brief: "这是一个简介"
function getType(suffix) {
if (suffix === "md")
return "MD"
else if (suffix === "mp4" || suffix === "avi" || suffix === "rmvb"
|| suffix === "rm" || suffix === "wmv" || suffix === "mkv")
return "VIDEO"
return "OTHER"
function loadFile(knowledgeFileId) {
content_area.knowledgeFileId = knowledgeFileId
Request.get("knowledge/" + knowledgeFileId,
function (response, data) {
content_page.publishTime = data.createTime
content_page.title =
content_page.fileId =
content_area.type = data.knowledgeFileAttribute.suffix
var tagString = ""
for (var j = 0; j < data.knowledgeFileAttribute.tags.length; j++) {
if (j != 0)
tagString = tagString + ","
tagString = tagString + data.knowledgeFileAttribute.tags[j].name
content_page.tags = tagString.split(",")
content_page.brief = data.knowledgeFileAttribute.brief
content_page.browsCount = data.knowledgeFileAttribute.pageView
// var starers = data.knowledgeFileAttribute.starers
// for (var i = 0; i < starers.length; i++) {
// }
// content_page.favoriteCount = starers.length
if (content_area.type === "MD") {
} else if (content_area.type === "VIDEO") {
} else {
Request.get("knowledge/" + knowledgeFileId + "/preview/external",
function (res) {
content_view.push(other_view, {
"url": res
Component.onCompleted: {
FluIconButton {
iconSize: 12
iconSource: FluentIcons.Back
onClicked: {
emit: SignalFileOperation.back()
Layout.margins: -5
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: 50
FluText {
id: text_title
padding: 10
text: content_page.title
font {
pointSize: 15
bold: true
ColumnLayout {
id: layout_note
FluIconButton {
id: button_note
iconSize: 15
iconSource: FluentIcons.QuickNote
text: "笔记"
onClicked: {
FluText {
text: content_page.noteCount
font.pointSize: 8
Layout.alignment: button_note.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
right: parent.right
ColumnLayout {
id: layout_share
FluIconButton {
id: button_share
iconSize: 15
iconSource: FluentIcons.Share
text: content_page.shareCount.toString()
FluText {
id: text_share
text: content_page.shareCount
font.pointSize: 8
Layout.alignment: button_share.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
right: layout_note.left
ColumnLayout {
id: layout_favorite
FluIconButton {
id: button_favorite
iconSize: 15
iconSource: content_page.isFavorite ? FluentIcons.FavoriteStarFill : FluentIcons.FavoriteStar
FluText {
id: text_favorite
text: content_page.favoriteCount
font.pointSize: 8
Layout.alignment: button_favorite.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
right: layout_share.left
FluIconButton {
id: button_download
iconSize: 25
iconSource: content_page.isDownload ? FluentIcons.OEM : FluentIcons.Download
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
right: layout_favorite.left
rightMargin: 20
onClicked: {
FluArea {
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: 100
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
width: parent.width
FluText {
padding: 10
text: content_page.publishTime
FluText {
padding: 10
text: content_page.fileSize.toString() + "MB"
FluText {
padding: 10
text: content_page.browsCount.toString() + "浏览量"
FluText {
Layout.topMargin: -2
Layout.leftMargin: 10
text: content_page.brief
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 2
Layout.leftMargin: 5
Repeater {
model: content_page.tags
delegate: Button {
Layout.margins: 2
text: "#" + content_page.tags[index]
background: Rectangle {
implicitHeight: 10
implicitWidth: 10
color: FluColors.Grey20
radius: 10
onClicked: {
emit: content_area.clickTags(text)
// WebEngineView {
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// backgroundColor: "transparent"
// implicitHeight: 200
// settings.javascriptEnabled: true
// settings.pluginsEnabled: true
// url: ""
// }
StackView {
id: content_view
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: 400
Component {
id: video_view
FluMediaPlayer {
width: parent.width
implicitHeight: width * 9 / 16.
Component {
id: text_view
NoteEditPage {
noteId: "255454"
width: parent.width
implicitHeight: 400
Component {
id: other_view
WebEngineView {
width: parent.width
backgroundColor: "transparent"
implicitHeight: 200
settings.javascriptEnabled: true
settings.pluginsEnabled: true
url: ""