import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts import FluentUI import QtQuick.Dialogs import QtQuick.Controls import "qrc:///AicsKnowledgeBase/qml/global" import SignalFileOperation 1.0 import AicsKB.FileTransferManager Item { anchors.fill: parent signal search(string tag) signal open(string file) property bool disableHeader: false property bool autoRequest: false property string url: "" property ListModel dataModel: ListModel {} function setListData(listmodel) { listView.model = listmodel } ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent spacing: 10 header: disableHeader ? null : fileListItemHeader model: fileListModel delegate: fileListItemDelegate Component.onCompleted: { if (autoRequest) { update() } else { listView.model = dataModel } } } Component { id: fileListItemHeader ColumnLayout { function add(folderName, uuid) { console.log(header.items) header.items = header.items.concat([{ "title": folderName, "uuid": uuid }]) } RowLayout { Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width Item { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight height: 28 width: 28 InputDialog { id: dialog title: "新建文件夹" buttonFlags: FluContentDialog.PositiveButton | FluContentDialog.NegativeButton negativeText: "取消" positiveText: "确定" message: "请输入文件夹名称" onPositiveClicked: text => { console.log(text) } } Image { source: "qrc:/AicsKnowledgeBase/res/createFolder.png" anchors.fill: parent } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { } } } FluButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: "上传" onClicked: function () { console.log("click") } FileDialog { id: fileDialog onAccepted: function () { let name = FileTransferManager.getFileName( selectedFile) const size = FileTransferManager.getFileSize( selectedFile) const md5 = FileTransferManager.getFileMd5( selectedFile) if (size <= 0 || md5 === '') return var body = { "name": name, "brief": "brief", "size": size, "md5": md5, "tags": [], "parentId": header.items.length !== 0 ? header.items[header.items.length - 1].uuid : null } console.log("begin") console.log(JSON.stringify(body))"knowledge/file", JSON.stringify(body), function (res, data) { console.log(res) console.log(data) FileTransferManager.upload( selectedFile,, data.ticket, name) }, function (res, data) { console.log(res) }) } } } } RowLayout { id: fileListItemHeaderItem width: ListView.view.width height: 48 // back to folder button FluIconButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter id: backButton width: 24 height: 24 iconSource: FluentIcons.ForwardCall onClicked: { if (header.count() > 0) { header.items = header.items.slice( 0, header.count() - 1) } fileListItemHeaderItem.update() } } FluBreadcrumbBar { id: header width: parent.width height: parent.height separator: ">" items: [] onClickItem: function (model) { if (model.index + 1 !== count()) { items = items.slice(0, model.index + 1) } } onItemsChanged: { fileListItemHeaderItem.update() } } function getType(suffix) { if (suffix === "ppt" || suffix === "pptx") return "PPT" else if (suffix === "doc" || suffix === "docx") return "WORD" else if (suffix === "pdf") return "PDF" else if (suffix === "txt") return "TXT" else if (suffix === "xls" || suffix === "xlsx") return "EXCEL" else if (suffix === "zip" || suffix === "rar") return "ZIP" else if (suffix === "png" || suffix === "jpg" || suffix === "jpeg" || suffix === "gif") return "IMAGE" else if (suffix === "mp3" || suffix === "wav") return "AUDIO" else if (suffix === "mp4" || suffix === "avi" || suffix === "rmvb" || suffix === "rm" || suffix === "wmv" || suffix === "mkv") return "VIDEO" else return "OTHER" } function update() { var uuid = header.items.length === 0 ? "null" : header.items[header.items.length - 1].uuid Request.get("/knowledge/" + uuid, function (response) { var data = JSON.parse(response) console.log(response) console.log(data.knowledgeFileAttribute) fileListModel.clear() var files = data.children for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i] console.log( var modelItem = { "title":, "uuid":, "date"// cut time after 'T' : file.createTime.substring(0, 10) } if (file.knowledgeFileAttribute === null) { modelItem.type = "folder" modelItem.isDir = true modelItem.size = 0 } else { modelItem.isDir = false modelItem.type = getType( file.knowledgeFileAttribute.suffix) modelItem.size = file.knowledgeFileAttribute.size modelItem.brief = file.knowledgeFileAttribute.brief modelItem.pageView = file.knowledgeFileAttribute.pageView modelItem.stars = 0 // merge file.knowledgeFileAttribute.tags array to a string var tagString = "" for (var j = 0; j < file.knowledgeFileAttribute.tags.length; j++) { if (j != 0) tagString = tagString + "," tagString = tagString + file.knowledgeFileAttribute.tags[j].name } modelItem.tags = tagString } fileListModel.append(modelItem) } console.log(fileListModel.count) listView.currentIndex = -1 }) } } } } Component { id: fileListItemDelegate Rectangle { id: fileListItemRect width: ListView.view.width height: model.isDir ? 50 : 120 //color: !ListView.isCurrentItem ? "white" : "red" FileListItem { id: fileListItem uuid: model.uuid width: parent.width height: parent.height title: model.title isDir: model.isDir date: brief: isDir ? "" : model.brief type: isDir ? "FOLDER" : model.type pageView: isDir ? 0 : model.pageView size: isDir ? 0 : model.size stars: isDir ? 0 : model.stars // split string to array tags: isDir ? [] : model.tags === null || model.tags === undefined || model.tags === "" ? [] : model.tags.split(",") onTagClicked: { emit: search(tag) console.log(tag) } } function doubleClicked() { listView.currentIndex = index if (model.isDir) { console.log(listView.headerItem) listView.headerItem.add(model.title, model.uuid) } else { emit: } } } } ListModel { id: fileListModel ListElement { title: "File 1" isDir: true brief: "This is a test file" type: "FOLDER" } ListElement { uuid: "2" title: "File 2" isDir: false brief: "This is a test file" size: 500 type: "WORD" date: "2020-09-09" pageView: 100 stars: 10 } ListElement { uuid: "3" title: "File 3" isDir: false brief: "This is a test file" type: "PPT" date: "2020-09-09" pageView: 100 size: 10200000022 stars: 10 } } }