Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into main

# Conflicts:
#	AicsKnowledgeBase/qml/page/ContentPage.qml
wuyize 2023-07-02 16:00:00 +08:00
commit 9ced807900
3 changed files with 170 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ FluWindow {
Layout.topMargin: 45
Layout.bottomMargin: 4
Layout.rightMargin: 4
type: "video"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import QtQuick 2.15
import FluentUI
import QtQuick.Layouts
FluArea {
id: fileItem
property string uuid
property string title
property string brief
property string date
property int pageView
property var tags: []
property var notes: []
property int stars
property var colorList: ["blue", "green", "orange", "red", "yellow", "purple", "pink", "brown", "teal", "cyan", "gray", "darkgray"]
signal tagClicked(string tag)
ColumnLayout {
id: row
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
spacing: 10
ColumnLayout {
id: clickable
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: {
FluText {
id: title
text: fileItem.title
pointSize: 12
bold: true
FluText {
id: brief
text: fileItem.brief
RowLayout {
id: infoRow
visible: !fileItem.isDir
FluText {
id: date
FluText {
id: pageView
text: fileItem.pageView + "浏览"
FluText {
id: stars
text: fileItem.stars + "收藏"
RowLayout {
visible: !fileItem.isDir
Repeater {
model: fileItem.tags
delegate: FluTextButton {
text: "#" + fileItem.tags[index]
normalColor: colorList[index % colorList.length]
font.pixelSize: 12
Layout.preferredWidth: 50
onClicked: {
emit: tagClicked(text)

View File

@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ import QtWebEngine 1.2
import FluentUI
FluArea {
id: content_area
paddings: 0
backgroundColor: "#f9f9f9"
property string type: null
property int knowledgeFileId
signal download(string knowledgeFileId)
signal clickTags(string tagName)
// paddings: {
// top: 10
@ -17,28 +22,33 @@ FluArea {
// left: 10
// }
FluScrollablePage {
id: contentPage
id: content_page
anchors.fill: parent
leftPadding: 10
topPadding: 10
rightPadding: 10
bottomPadding: 0
property int knowledgeFileId
property int likeCount: 0
property int favoriteCount: 0
property int shareCount: 0
property int browsCount: 555
property bool isLike: false
property bool isFavorite: false
property bool isDownload: false
property double fileSize: 455
property list<string> tags: ["tag 1", "tag 2", "tag 3"]
property date publishTime: new Date()
property string brief: "这是一个简介"
property string type: null
property var contentShow
Component.onCompleted: {
if(content_area.type == "video") {
content_view.sourceComponent = video_view
} else if(content_area.type == "md") {
content_view.sourceComponent = text_view
} else {
content_view.sourceComponent = other_view
@ -61,16 +71,14 @@ FluArea {
id: button_share
iconSize: 15
iconSource: FluentIcons.Share
text: contentPage.shareCount.toString()
text: content_page.shareCount.toString()
FluText {
id: text_share
text: contentPage.shareCount
text: content_page.shareCount
font.pointSize: 8
anchors {
horizontalCenter: button_share.horizontalCenter
top: button_share.bottom
Layout.alignment: button_share.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
@ -82,16 +90,14 @@ FluArea {
FluIconButton {
id: button_favorite
iconSize: 15
iconSource: contentPage.isFavorite ? FluentIcons.FavoriteStarFill : FluentIcons.FavoriteStar
iconSource: content_page.isFavorite ? FluentIcons.FavoriteStarFill : FluentIcons.FavoriteStar
FluText {
id: text_favorite
text: contentPage.favoriteCount
text: content_page.favoriteCount
font.pointSize: 8
anchors {
horizontalCenter: button_favorite.horizontalCenter
top: button_favorite.bottom
Layout.alignment: button_favorite.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
@ -103,16 +109,14 @@ FluArea {
FluIconButton {
id: button_like
iconSize: 15
iconSource: contentPage.isLike ? FluentIcons.HeartFill : FluentIcons.Heart
iconSource: content_page.isLike ? FluentIcons.HeartFill : FluentIcons.Heart
FluText {
id: text_like
text: contentPage.favoriteCount
text: content_page.favoriteCount
font.pointSize: 8
anchors {
horizontalCenter: button_like.horizontalCenter
top: button_like.bottom
Layout.alignment: button_like.Center
Layout.topMargin: -5
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
@ -122,35 +126,51 @@ FluArea {
FluIconButton {
id: button_download
iconSize: 25
iconSource: FluentIcons.Download
iconSource: content_page.isDownload ? FluentIcons.OEM : FluentIcons.Download
anchors {
verticalCenter: text_title.verticalCenter
right: layout_like.left
rightMargin: 20
onClicked: function () {}
onClicked: {
Loader {
id: content_view
Layout.fillWidth: true
sourceComponent: video_view
Component {
id: video_view
FluMediaPlayer {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Component {
id: text_view
Text {
id: textMd
text: contentPage.contentMd
id: text_md
text: content_page.contentMd
textFormat: TextEdit.MarkdownText
focus: true
Component {
id: other_view
WebEngineView {
id: sitemonitoryView
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: sitemonitory_view
backgroundColor: "transparent"
implicitHeight: 200
Layout.fillWidth: true
settings.javascriptEnabled: true
settings.pluginsEnabled: true
url: ""
FluArea {
Layout.fillWidth: true
@ -159,48 +179,69 @@ FluArea {
RowLayout {
FluText {
padding: 10
text: contentPage.publishTime.toDateString()
text: content_page.publishTime.toDateString()
FluText {
padding: 10
text: contentPage.fileSize.toString() + "MB"
text: content_page.fileSize.toString() + "MB"
FluText {
padding: 10
text: contentPage.browsCount.toString() + "浏览量"
text: content_page.browsCount.toString() + "浏览量"
FluText {
Layout.topMargin: -2
Layout.leftMargin: 10
text: contentPage.brief
text: content_page.brief
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 2
Layout.leftMargin: 5
Repeater {
model: contentPage.tags
model: content_page.tags
delegate: Button {
Layout.margins: 2
text: "#" + contentPage.tags[index]
text: "#" + content_page.tags[index]
background: Rectangle {
implicitHeight: 10
implicitWidth: 10
color: FluColors.Grey20
radius: 10
onClicked: {
emit: content_area.clickTags(text)
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitHeight: 50
FluText {
Layout.topMargin: 10
id: text_note
text: "笔记"
padding: 10
pointSize: 15
bold: true
FluTextButton {
id: button_publish
text: "发布笔记"
hoverColor: "blue"
normalColor: "black"
verticalCenter: text_note.verticalCenter
right: parent.right