
白封羽 2022-12-30 19:57:37 +08:00
parent 2e9d9f6b43
commit bfccd7dfc1
2 changed files with 130 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -125,17 +125,34 @@ export class InvoiceCommit {
export interface Reimbursement {
reimbursementActualAmount: number;
reimbursementBillingTime: string;
reimbursementAdditionalAmount: number;
reimbursementDepartureInvoiceId: number;
reimbursementDepartureName: string;
reimbursementDestinationInvoiceId?: number;
reimbursementDestinationName: string;
reimbursementId: number;
reimbursementKindId: string;
reimbursementNote: string;
reimbursementInvoiceAmount: number;
reimbursementNote?: string;
* 0: success
* 1:
* 2:
* 3:
* 4:
* 5:
reimbursementStatus: number;
reimbursementSubmitDepartmentId: number;
reimbursementSubmitStaffId: string;
reimbursementSubmitTime: string;
approvalOpinion: string;
approvalResult: number;
approvalStaffId: string;
approvalStaffName: string;
processOrder: number;
reimbursementTripDuration: number;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {DownOutlined,ExclamationCircleOutlined} from '@ant-design/icons';
import {DownOutlined, ExclamationCircleOutlined} from '@ant-design/icons';
import type {ActionType, ProColumns, ProFormInstance} from '@ant-design/pro-components';
import {ProTable} from '@ant-design/pro-components';
import {Button, Dropdown, Input, Popover, Space, Typography} from 'antd';
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import axiosInstance from "../../../utils/axiosInstance";
import {FormProps} from "antd/es/form/Form";
import {FormInstance} from "antd/es/form";
import {SortOrder} from "antd/es/table/interface";
import {Reimbursement} from "../../../models/Staff";
const valueEnum = {
0: 'success',
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ export type Department = {
departmentName: string;
export type TableListItem = {
id: string;
id: number;
beginDate: number;
duration: number;
endDate: number;
@ -35,30 +36,35 @@ export type TableListItem = {
departmentId: number;
submitDateTime: number;
detail: string;
back: boolean;
let fakeData: TableListItem[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 94; i++)
for (let i = 0; i < 94; i++) {
id: "AX2022-" + i.toString(),
id: i + 1,
beginDate: Date.UTC(2022, i % 11 + 1, i % 28 + 1),
endDate: Date.UTC(2022, i % 11 + 1, i % 28 + 1) + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * i + 1,
duration: Math.ceil(Math.abs(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * i + 1) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24),
detail: "查看详情",
OD: ['上海', '北京'],
amount: i + i,
invoiceAmount: i,
additionalAmount: i,
status: (i%6),
departmentId: i%3+1,
amount: i + i * 100 + 20 + i / 100,
invoiceAmount: i * 100,
additionalAmount: i + 20 + i / 100,
status: (i % 6),
departmentId: i % 3 + 1,
submitDateTime: Date.now() - 100000000,
back: (i & 1) === 1,
const statusEnum = {
0: {text: '已报销', status: 'Success'},
1: {text: '待主管审批', status: 'Processing'},
2: {text: '待财务审批', status: 'Processing'},
3: {text: '待财务主管审批', status: 'Processing'},
4: {text: '待总经理审批', status: 'Warning'},
5: {text: '审批未通过', status: 'Error'},
class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
tableAction = React.createRef<ActionType>();
@ -69,14 +75,16 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
department = new Map<number, string>()
columns: ProColumns<TableListItem>[] = [
title: '报销单号',
width: 80,
width: 70,
dataIndex: 'id',
search: false,
sorter: true,
//render: (_) => <a>{_}</a>,
@ -84,11 +92,11 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
width: 80,
dataIndex: 'OD',
search: false,
render: (_, row) => <>{row.OD[0] + (row.back?"⇌":"→") + row.OD[1]}</>,
render: (_, row) => <>{row.OD[0] + (row.back ? " " : " ") + row.OD[1]}</>,
title: '出发日期',
width: 80,
width: 70,
dataIndex: 'beginDate',
search: false,
valueType: 'date',
@ -96,20 +104,22 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
title: '出差天数',
width: 80,
width: 50,
dataIndex: 'duration',
search: false,
sorter: true,
//valueType: 'date',
render: (_) => <>{_}</>,
title: '总金额',
width: 80,
width: 60,
dataIndex: 'amount',
search: false,
render: (_,item) =>
render: (_, item) =>
<Popover content={<>{item.invoiceAmount.toFixed(2)}<br/>{item.additionalAmount.toFixed(2)}</>}>
<ExclamationCircleOutlined style={{marginLeft: 5}}/>
@ -120,17 +130,9 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
width: 80,
dataIndex: 'status',
filters: true,
onFilter: true,
onFilter: false,
search: false,
valueEnum: {
0: {text: '已报销', status: 'Success'},
1: {text: '待主管审批', status: 'Processing'},
2: {text: '待财务审批', status: 'Processing'},
3: {text: '待财务主管审批', status: 'Processing'},
4: {text: '待总经理审批', status: 'Warning'},
5: {text: '审批未通过', status: 'Error'},
valueEnum: statusEnum,
//render: (_) => <a>{_}</a>,
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
dataIndex: 'departmentId',
valueEnum: this.department,
filters: true,
onFilter: true,
onFilter: false,
//render: (_) => <a>{_}</a>,
@ -149,19 +151,20 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
dataIndex: 'submitDateTime',
valueType: 'dateTime',
search: false,
sorter: true,
//render: (_) => <a>{_}</a>,
title: '申请详情',
width: 80,
width: 60,
dataIndex: 'detail',
search: false,
render: (_, row, index, action) => [
onClick={() => {
@ -185,64 +188,90 @@ class Subpage extends React.Component<any, any> {
showDetail(row: TableListItem) {
showDetail(reimbursementId: number) {
alert((new Date(row.submitDateTime)))
converter(value: any) {
let result: TableListItem[] = []
async getInvoiceDate(invoiceId: number | undefined) {
return Date.now()
async converter(value: Reimbursement[], pageSize: number | undefined) {
let result: TableListItem[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
id: value[i].reimbursementId,
beginDate: await this.getInvoiceDate(value[i].reimbursementDepartureInvoiceId),
endDate: await this.getInvoiceDate(value[i].reimbursementDestinationInvoiceId),
duration: value[i].reimbursementTripDuration,
OD: [value[i].reimbursementDepartureName, value[i].reimbursementDestinationName],
amount: value[i].reimbursementInvoiceAmount + value[i].reimbursementAdditionalAmount,
invoiceAmount: value[i].reimbursementInvoiceAmount,
additionalAmount: value[i].reimbursementAdditionalAmount,
status: value[i].reimbursementStatus % 6,
departmentId: value[i].reimbursementSubmitDepartmentId,
submitDateTime: (new Date(value[i].reimbursementSubmitTime)).getTime(),
detail: "查看详情",
back: value[i].reimbursementDestinationInvoiceId !== undefined,
return result
pullDepartment() {
axiosInstance.get('common/department').then(response => {
response.data.forEach((value: any) => {
this.department.set(value.departmentId, value.departmentName)
// @ts-ignore
updateRequest(current: number | undefined, pageSize: number | undefined, sort: Record<string, SortOrder>, filter: Record<string, React.ReactText[] | null>) {
async updateRequest(current: number | undefined, pageSize: number | undefined, sort: Record<string, SortOrder>, filter: Record<string, React.ReactText[] | null>) {
let tableListDataSource: TableListItem[] = []
let totalRecordLength = 0
if (this.state.searchWord.trim() === "") {
current = (current === undefined ? 0 : current)
pageSize = (pageSize === undefined ? 5 : pageSize)
let params = {
let params:any= {
current: current,
pageSize: pageSize
pageSize: pageSize,
axiosInstance.get('common/reimbursement', {
params: params
}).then(response => {
tableListDataSource = this.converter(response.data.records)
if(filter.status !== undefined && filter.status !== null && filter.status.length !== 0){
params['reimbursementStatuses'] = filter.status
if(filter.departmentId !== undefined && filter.departmentId !== null && filter.departmentId.length !== 0){
params['reimbursementSubmitDepartments'] = filter.departmentId
if(sort.id !== undefined && sort.id !== null){
params['asc'] = (sort.id === "ascend")
if(sort.duration !== undefined && sort.duration !== null){
params['asc'] = (sort.duration === "ascend")
if(sort.submitDateTime !== undefined && sort.submitDateTime !== null){
params['asc'] = (sort.submitDateTime === "ascend")
let response = await axiosInstance.get('common/reimbursement', {params: params})
tableListDataSource =await this.converter(response.data.records, pageSize)
totalRecordLength = response.data.total
}).catch(function (error) {
tableListDataSource = fakeData.slice(pageSize * current - pageSize, pageSize * current)
totalRecordLength = fakeData.length
} else {
axiosInstance.get('common/reimbursement/' + this.state.searchWord.trim(), {}).then(response => {
tableListDataSource = this.converter(response.data.records)
let response = await axiosInstance.get('common/reimbursement/' + this.state.searchWord.trim(), {})
tableListDataSource =await this.converter(response.data.records, pageSize)
totalRecordLength = tableListDataSource.length
}).catch(function (error) {
return Promise.resolve({